The Universe

is a Dream Machine

...but sometimes we don't believe it,
that's why our dreams can't come true!


“In The Universe is a Dream Machine, Linda Oliver has captured the essence of the sages: no action, thought, or feeling goes unnoticed in the universe. The rules of the universe are quite simple: what manifests in our world of experience is what we believe to be true. This is the true Law of Attraction. What shows up in your life may or may not be what you want, intend, or even consciously think. Never-the-less, if something shows up in your life the energy of your being has attracted it.

You are the center of your universe. If you want to change your life you must change how you look at and react to the things and people in your life. Forgiveness is an effective and gentle way to be kind to yourself and others, to let go of upsets, and to change your life.” R.K. Ebert, PhD

The Universe is a Dream Machine

  • “Your Luminous Living course is an amazing resource. As I continue to study and apply the tools you teach, I have experienced a shift in my life energy. This is some of the best energy healing material I have ever studied. Thank You.”

    J. Gardner
  • “Thank you for being a wonderful facilitator/Teacher on such a huge, complex modality. I so appreciated how you read our body language and guided us through what we need to be doing… jumping off the diving board. Your years of training and simplifying this complex stuff will be so useful to your clients, in a world that is information overload. Thank you too for the little “gratitude” book. First entry will be Lin Oliver’s Luminous Living!! Abundant blessings.”

    J. Neill
  • "In The Universe is a Dream Machine, Linda Oliver has captured the essence of the sages: no action, thought, or feeling goes unnoticed in the universe. The rules of the universe are quite simple: what manifests in our world of experience is what we believe to be true. This is the true Law of Attraction. What shows up in your life may or may not be what you want, intend, or even consciously think. Never-the-less, if something shows up in your life the energy of your being has attracted it."

    R.K. Ebert, PhD


"After many years of “connecting-the-dots” I created my book “The Universe is a Dream Machine“ and launched the Luminous Living Academy to share the solutions that have the potential to transform your life and our world, as they have transformed my own life, the lives of my clients and students. I am passionately committed to personal and planetary transformation; when we change, we change the world." Linda Oliver

From Our Blog

The Impossible Dream

The Impossible Dream

To dream the impossible dream,To fight the unbeatable foe,To bear with unbearable sorrowTo run where the brave dare not go;To…


Visit: DREAMSEEDS We are born seeded with dreams and the potential to fulfill them! “What a man can be, he…


This is a momentous time to be alive. Thank You for being here.

Contact Info

Linda Oliver
P O Box 551
Bright Grove, Ontario
N0N 1C0