
Prisoners of Belief

Prisoners of Belief: Exposing and Changing Beliefs That Control Your Life

Chapter 1 begins with these words:

“Your core beliefs are the basic concepts you live by. They form your picture of yourself, a portrait of your flaws and strengths, your abilities, your worth, and your relationship to the world.

Your core beliefs are your identity. They define how you feel about yourself, the emotional tone of your life. They influence everything, from whom you choose as a spouse to whether you deserve the pleasure of a long hot bath. They establish the limits of what you can achieve.”

Thank You Matthew McKay, PhD and Patrick Fanning for publishing this book.

The power of belief to shape our lives is evident in the above excerpt from “Prisoners of Belief” clearly, our beliefs establish the limits of what we can achieve.

Billions of beliefs are blocking billions of people living the life they dare to dream of, in many cases people have given up dreaming and instead believe “This is just the way it is”.

“The energies of the masses have been co-opted over the centuries to produce for the over-classes the very wealth of pleasures denied the underclasses. In truth, the pleasures of life energy are mankind’s basic capital, robbing man of this has resulted in the wide division between “haves” and multitudes of “have-nots.””
David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD

Hawkins, D. R., MD, PhD (1995). Power vs Force. Hay House.

It’s time to own our energy and discover how to transform our limiting beliefs.

We are familiar with the need to upgrade the operating system on our phones and computers, I believe we need to upgrade our human operating system, our consciousness. Let’s Go!